

Brusselstraat 489
1700 Dilbeek


Quote Number QUO-0051
Quote Date February 24, 2020
Total €2.988,70
Architectenburo Anja Vissers

Meivuurstraat 34
2200 Herentals

BTW: BE 0885.982.855

Vernieuwing van https://www.architectenburo-anja-vissers.be/ op basis van Wordpress.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
8 Copywriting in 2 talen (NL, EN)

Copywriting van landingspagina, "over ons", architectenbureau, interieurvormgeving "contact"

12 Design website

Inclusief een feedbackronde

16 Ontwikkeling website
2 Testing en afwerking €65,00€130,00
Sub Total €2.470,00
BTW €518,70
Total €2.988,70

One comment

  1. Architectenburo Anja Vissers says:

    Rattling superb info can be found on site.Blog monry

    My site … SherriP

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