OK Google: 3 commonly asked questions for marketing on the search giant

As a digital marketer, we receive many questions that keep coming back. We’ve answered some about advertising budgets, or the choice of advertising channel. Now it’s time to zoom in on the search giant Google. If your site is poorly indexed, you’ll miss out on plenty of organic (free) traffic. Drum roll please . . . the 3 most commonly asked questions are:

1. How long does it take for my SEO strategy to take effect

As a general rule, it takes about 3 months for major SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) updates to take effect. When I say “major”, it means a full technical and content analysis and implementation of what can be improved.

It takes about 3 months for major SEO updates to take effect.

Tools to measure the impact on ranking before and after the implementation are available.

2. Is SEA traffic immediate?

Paid Google traffic that you buy via Adwords is indeed immediate. You will be paying per click, conversion or share. Depending on the quality of your ads and targeting. 

Paid Google traffic that you buy via Adwords is indeed immediate.

This can be a viable option if you’re in a difficult market to get to top rank organically, for example, in (fast) fashion is almost impossible to get to the top of the search page, unless you work on a particular niche.

3. How often do I need to take care of SEO?

In an ideal situation you would do a yearly extensive analysis of updates that need to be done. You would supplement with ongoing care which focuses on content: using correct keywords, text markup, links and alt-tags for images.

We’ve achieved some convincing SEO improvements for our clients. Want to generate more organic traffic? Drop us a line.