

Brusselstraat 489
1700 Dilbeek


Quote Number QUO-0011
Quote Date June 6, 2018
Total €338,80

Quentin Houyoux
Drève du Val Saint-Pierre 7
BE-1332 Genval

BTW BE0665.521.948


[:en]FR (Wordpress)
- Création d'un template de newsletter en Drag&Drop
- Formulaire d'inscription personnalisé
- Configuration de Mailchimp/intégration[:]

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Setup Mailchimp
1 Design elements template
1 Setup newsletter template FR
1 Form setup and integration €70,00€70,00
Sub Total €280,00
BTW €58,80
Total €338,80


  1. 오피 says:

    Your post is a breath of fresh air.오피

  2. 오피 says:

    This is a timely discussion—thank you for initiating it.오피

  3. 오피 says:

    I’m looking forward to your next article.오피

  4. 오피사이트 says:

    This is exactly what I was looking for.오피

  5. Leanbiome says:

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  6. Leanbiome review says:

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  7. 오피사이트 says:

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  9. Tonic GREENS says:

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  10. Tonic GREENS says:

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