Invoice Number | INV-2022057 |
Invoice Date | November 7, 2022 |
Total Due | €2.485,04 |
Victoria Reginaplantsoen 1
1210 Sint-Joost-ten-Node (Brussel)
BTW BE0461.529.265
PO 209497
Week 41:
Sound of logo: 8u
Week 42:
Hyundai saloncampagne: 4u
Sound of logo: 1u
Volvo social content: 4u
Volvo website content: 1u
Philips social content: 2u
Week 43:
De bouw kijkt verder: 3u
Hyundai saloncampagne 3u
Fietsverlichting: 5u
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Sub Total |
31 | Consultancy | €66,25 | €2.053,75 |
Sub Total | €2.053,75 |
BTW | €431,29 |
Total Due | €2.485,04 |
IBAN BE28068932887120
Please reference your invoice number